Lighting Done Right Will Transform Your Space


If you have a whole home project or renovation, our resident expert Lisa Gilberto-Cunningham can assist you with your Lighting Design and specifications resulting in a home that is beautifully lit and cohesive from room to room. Please email us at to discuss your project needs.



What Our Clients Say…


“Sippican Tennis Club feels fortunate to have worked with Lisa Gilberto-Cunningham from Patti Bros. for updating it lighting and fans. The main hall of the club had old, mismatched, and broken fixtures that desperately needed replaced. Lisa managed to find quality fixtures that are energy efficient (and all “dimmable”) while keeping within the period look of the club’s early 20th-century architecture. Even more, she worked hard to stay within our budget! Lisa’s vision, expertise and research to meet the club’s needs was invaluable – we definitely could not have done it on our own!
Thank you for all your hard work on this – truly, we couldn’t have done it without you!”
~ Sippican Tennis Club


“Lisa is great to work with on projects big or small. She has great design sense, excellent lighting and product knowledge and a vast array of product and vendors to select from. Great Service!” ~ Pricilla Vergura


Exterior Hanging Lanterns